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Despite the ease of access to information online, consumers are still trusting the opinions of their peers when it comes to making a purchase, which is why word-of-mouth referrals are typically the best kind of business. However, while referrals are sales gold, they can also be the most difficult to obtain. So how does one encourage more of them?    

1. Impress Your Current Clients

If your company provides exemplary service, that happy customer will be more likely to sing your praises. Use all negative incidents to your advantage. Oftentimes, a customer service complaint is simple to fix, and displeased customers just want to feel heard. When complaints are resolved in a timely and professional manner, this can give clients a brand new outlook on your business. No one is going to go out of their way to recommend a product or service to their friends if they are merely satisfied. It’s that wow factor that gets referrals.

2. Ask and You Shall Receive

One of the biggest reasons that you haven’t gotten enough referrals is probably it just doesn’t cross anyone’s mind. However, if you ask your clients to do you a favor, then they will be much more likely to follow through. Ask before the product or service is delivered, since it places the thought in the client’s mind early, while also setting the expectation that you will do a good job. Another great time to ask for a referral is right after someone gives you praise.

3. Give and You Shall Receive

Giving out referrals frequently is good practice, and it encourages others to do the same for you. Telling a business contact that you plan to refer them as often as possible will help plant the idea in their mind to do the same.

4. Always Say Thank You

A hand-written thank you note or genuine email is important once someone refers you. Not only is it the polite thing to do, but it will also encourage more referrals in the future.

5. Create Incentive

You could be missing out on referrals because your clientele has other things on their mind. But giving them an incentive (such as a bonus or discount) for every new client they refer, it gives them a personal reason to refer you. Making it easier for a customer to refer you instead of just asking vaguely that they recommend you will lead to better results. Create a section on your website solely for referrals. Leaving business cards with a client is another way to make it easier for them to pass your contact information along.

6. Network

Joining a networking group is a great way to exchange leads with others in your industry. If you can prove to your peers in the networking group know that you offer trusted, quality services, then you will probably be the first person they think of when discussing the types of services you offer with their clientele.

Referrals are a vital part of the sales process because they tend to work infinitely better than other tactics, such as cold calling. Every referral holds a ton of value for your business, so it is important to pursue them rather than waiting passively for them to come around.

If you have any more questions on how to gain referrals or on other sales tactics, please contact SaleFish LLC. We offer professional sales and management training to help you succeed in business. 


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