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There have been thousands of books, lectures, and articles about setting goals. Despite this, many people aren’t good at setting goals, sticking to them, and seeing results. Goal setting is one of the most important facets of Sandler training. So with New Year’s around the corner, here are some of our top tips for setting good goals.

Business Goals

As you evaluate your business form the last year and look ahead to the new year, you must think about how your business will evolve and grow. As you go through the process, keep these things in mind:    

  1.        Start with vision: Vision is about knowing where you are going. Having a vivid picture of what you want your business to be brings clarity to your goal setting process. Don’t start by focusing on where you are, that leads to small thinking. Start by envisioning where you want to end up.
  2.        Analyze yourself: Once your vision is clear, it’s time to determine where you currently are. Don’t be a victim of your own success. Take a step back and begin to ask a lot of “whys.” Why are you successful in certain areas? Why are you unsuccessful in certain areas?
  3.        Comfort zones: One huge area to attack is your comfort zone. It’s uncomfortable to change and grow. (The term “growing pains” ring a bell?) It’s important you decide that the uncomfortableness of change won’t stop your company from growing.
  4.         Status quo: If you haven’t challenged your comfort zone then you’ve established status quos. Things that you have set expectations for. Can you improve these areas? 
  5.        Set personal goals: As Pete Oliver says: “if you don’t have a plan you are just reacting to someone else’s plan.” As you set goals for your business, take some time to set goals for yourself. Have a plan for yourself that’s bigger than your business or your income. Think about who you want to be and what you want to be remembered for.
  6.        Aim for the right height: A key to setting good goals is to aim for the right height. Too low and you won’t have accomplished anything. Too high and you will fall so far short you will become discouraged. 

Setting goals isn’t something that should be done haphazardly, take your time and do it right.

Progression is Not Linear

We often view our lives as progressing in a linear fasion. Goal: lose 15 lbs over the next 3 months. That works out to about 1 lb a week. Guess what? You probably won’t lose exactly 1 lb every week. Some weeks you might lose 2 or 3 lbs. Then you might go a few weeks and weigh the same thing. One week you might even gain a pound or two. Imagine you are charting your progress, it won’t be a straight line, there will be ups and downs, but just stick to the process.

At Sandler Salefish we understand how important goal setting is to your business. If you would like more tips or guidance contact us today. We specializing in sales training, management training, forecasting, and sales best practices. Learn more about how to apply the principles from Sandler Training Solutions by contacting Sandler Salefish today. 

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